
Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Baltimore Lawyers Representing People in Birth Injury Lawsuits

Cerebral palsy is a debilitating disorder that typically causes lifelong speech and mobility issues. There are multiple causes of cerebral palsy, but in most circumstances, the main trigger is a medical error that occurs prior to or during the birthing process. Doctors have a duty to protect the health of expectant mothers and their children, but when they make mistakes, they often cause more harm than good. If your baby developed cerebral palsy due to the negligence of your physician, you may be owed damages, and it is in your best interest to meet with an attorney as soon as possible. The Baltimore birth injury lawyers of Arfaa Law Group are adept at proving the liability of reckless healthcare providers, and we can advise you of your potential claims and aid you in fighting for a just outcome.

Causes of Cerebral Palsy

Causes of cerebral palsy include brain damage or abnormal development of the brain. Generally, this occurs before or during birth. Numerous factors increase the risk of cerebral palsy, such as premature birth, multiple births, meaning twins, triplets, or higher numbers of children born at one time, and low birth weight. Infections during pregnancy, complications during childbirth, lack of oxygen, and jaundice have also been identified as causes of cerebral palsy. Doctors can help prevent cerebral palsy by ensuring their patients receive adequate prenatal care, which includes trying to prevent pre-term delivery, infections, and jaundice.

Pursuing Damages Following a Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Cerebral palsy can cause problems with movement and coordination, and many children with cerebral palsy are unable to walk without assistance. It can also lead to speech, vision, and hearing impairments and difficulty eating independently. Some children with cerebral palsy have cognitive impairments as well. Cerebral palsy causes permanent issues, which can lead to significant emotional and economic losses for both the child suffering from cerebral palsy and their parents. As such, many people wish to seek compensation for their children’s harm via birth injury lawsuits.

A plaintiff in a birth injury case typically must prove the defendant’s negligence to recover damages. Establishing negligence requires proof that the defendant owed the plaintiff a duty and a breach of the duty owed. In the context of medical care, the obligation imposed on the defendant is to provide the plaintiff with the care a competent professional working in the same field would offer in a similar scenario. In other words, if a reasonable doctor would perform an emergency c-section if an unborn infant was exhibiting signs of distress and the defendant failed to do so, causing the infant to be deprived of oxygen, it may constitute a breach. As most people do not possess independent knowledge regarding the standard of care imposed on doctors, it is usually necessary to retain a medical expert to explain the standard and how the defendant’s behavior demonstrates a breach of the standard.

The plaintiff must then prove causation. In other words, the plaintiff has to link the defendant’s breach with the harm ultimately suffered, which usually requires the testimony of an expert as well. In many instances, the defendant may argue that the infant’s cerebral palsy was unavoidable and was caused by some factor other than negligent care. In such cases, whether the jury or judge deciding the case finds the defendant responsible for the child’s harm will typically come down to the credibility of each party’s expert and the strength of their evidence.

Meet with an Experienced Baltimore Attorney

Cerebral palsy can cause a variety of impairments, but it is usually preventable and only occurs because of medical negligence. If your child has cerebral palsy, you may be owed damages, and you should meet with an attorney to assess your options for pursuing compensation. The Baltimore lawyers of Arfaa Law Group are mindful of the devastation and frustration birth injuries can cause, and if you engage our services, we will work tirelessly to help you seek justice for your losses. We frequently represent parties in birth injury cases in Baltimore, where our office is located. You can reach us by calling 410-889-1850 or by using our online form to set up a meeting.

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