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Fetal Hypoxia

Baltimore Attorneys Representing Families in Birth Injuries Claims

Fetal distress, often indicated by abnormal fetal heart rate during pregnancy or labor, can indicate an insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, also known as fetal hypoxia. Various factors, such as low maternal oxygen levels, umbilical cord prolapse, and placental issues, can lead to this condition. If a doctor fails to adequately manage fetal hypoxia, it can lead to significant birth injuries and may be grounds for pursuing a medical malpractice claim. If your child suffered harm due to fetal hypoxia, you should speak to an attorney to see what recourse may be available. The assertive Baltimore birth injury attorneys of Arfaa Law Group are dedicated to advocating for justice for people harmed by negligent healthcare providers, and if you hire us, we will fight to help you seek the results you deserve.

Harm Caused by Fetal Hypoxia

Fetal hypoxia refers to a condition where the fetus experiences a shortage of oxygen during pregnancy or childbirth. This deprivation of oxygen can potentially lead to serious health complications for the unborn baby, including brain damage, developmental delays, and even death. Several risk factors contribute to the development of fetal hypoxia, including maternal health conditions such as hypertension, diabetes, or placental abnormalities, as well as complications during labor such as umbilical cord compression or prolonged delivery. In some cases, medical fetal hypoxia is the direct result of improper monitoring of fetal heart rate during labor, delayed or inadequate medical interventions in response to signs of distress, or misuse of medical instruments like forceps or vacuum extractors.

Seeking Damages for Injuries Caused by Fetal Hypoxia

The failure to recognize and address risk factors or complications during pregnancy or childbirth can result in preventable instances of fetal hypoxia, leading to devastating consequences for both the infant and the family. Many families harmed by such carelessness choose to seek compensation for their losses via medical malpractice claims.

Typically, a plaintiff in a medical malpractice lawsuit will need to prove the defendant’s negligence to prevail. In Maryland, to demonstrate negligence, the plaintiff has to show that the defendant owed them a duty. In a doctor-patient relationship, the duty owed is to provide treatment that aligns with the applicable standard of care, which is the level of care a competent practitioner who works in the same specialty as the defendant would offer in a similar situation. Next, the plaintiff needs to offer evidence proving that the defendant deviated from the standard of care in some way, thereby breaching the standard.

In most instances, the plaintiff will need to retain a medical expert to explain the standard of care to the judge or jury, and the manner in which the defendant failed to uphold the standard. Last, the plaintiff has to show damages and causation. Damages refer to the measurable losses the plaintiff suffered, while causation links said damages to the defendant’s breach of the standard of care. Although the defendant’s violation of the standard of care does not need to be the only cause of the plaintiff’s harm, it must be a significant factor in bringing it about. Expert testimony is usually needed to prove the connection between the defendant’s behavior and the plaintiff’s harm as well and to establish the plaintiff’s losses.

Speak to a Seasoned Birth Injury Attorney in Baltimore

The arrival of a newborn is typically a joyous occasion. Yet, for parents whose children sustain birth injuries, it can cause overwhelming anxiety as they grapple with challenges like the need for ongoing medical care and the astronomical associated costs. If your child suffered injuries at birth because of a doctor's mishandling of fetal hypoxia, you should speak to an attorney about what damages you may be able to recover from the responsible parties. The seasoned Baltimore birth injury lawyers of Arfaa Law Group are well-versed in what it takes to succeed in claims against reckless healthcare providers, and if we represent you, we will work diligently on your behalf. We have an office in Baltimore, and we frequently represent parties in birth injury lawsuits throughout the city. You can reach us through our form online or at 410-889-1850 to arrange a meeting.